次の検索結果を表示しています: MS Agent
元の検索キーワード: MSAgentXP
en.wikipedia.org からのMS Agent
Microsoft Agent is a technology developed by Microsoft which employs animated characters, text-to-speech engines, and speech recognition software to enhance interaction with computer users. It came pre-installed as part of Windows 2000 and later versions of Microsoft Windows up to Windows Vista.
2020/08/19 · It is a set of software services that enable developers to incorporate interactive animated characters into their applications and webpages.


Microsoft Agent は、Microsoft によって開発されたテクノロジであり、アニメーション キャラクター、テキスト読み上げエンジン、および音声認識ソフトウェアを使用して、コンピュータ ユーザーとの対話を強化します。 ウィキペディア(英語)
オペレーティング システムMicrosoft Windows
最新版2.0 / June 7, 2003; 21 年前
bellcraft.com からのMS Agent
MASH is an easy-to-use program that lets you record and playback entertaining Microsoft Agent character presentations by simply dragging characters around ...
Microsoft Agent was a technology developed by Microsoft that allows for users to interact with animated characters inside applications and web pages. It used ...
2023/10/13 · Microsoft Agent was a technology developed by Microsoft which employed animated characters, text-to-speech engines, and speech recognition ...
Install an MS agent ... Run the bootstrap application. ... Click Next, and paste the agent install token. ... (Optional) Select Use Proxy and enter your proxy details ...
archive.org からのMS Agent
2021/10/21 · Microsoft Agent was a technology developed by Microsoft which employed animated characters, text-to-speech engines, and speech recognition ...
Microsoft provides four agent characters for free, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft Agent website. These are called Peedy, Merlin, Genie, and Robby.
MS agents are installed on AD servers for use in certificate discovery and enrollment. SCM uses MS agents to do the following: ... As a redundancy measure, SCM ...